Tuesday 12 August 2014

Normal is the new hardcore

Time comes and goes and it doesn’t really come back. Philosophing much? Mayhaps.
Philosophically speaking, I have nothing to write about.
And not just philosophically. The past months have proved to be very interesting for my self-development, as I’ve been putting myself through some new situations and I learned some new things, maybe 2 or 3 even about myself. There’s no use in detailing, because no one really wants to know about an individual’s private life that much, unless I would’ve reinvented the wheel or anything as cool as that. Besides, this is also something else that adulthood brought me, I don’t need to tell the world everything about myself – and that might be either a sign of sanity or a sign or a newly installed insanity. Time will pass and it shall tell.
In the meantime, here’s something my 4 fans might be interested of: I started writing on my book. It has already at least 13 possible beginnings and, same as many things I have started in my life, it might not see the day of also getting an ending any time soon.
Good news is that the past months helped me find a lot of new music, which brought a refreshed playlist on my phone and in my head.
And, I am preparing for an awesome holiday, which is the reason for my today’s joy.
So there it is, my awesomely normal life. Blessed by the sounds of great music.


Anonymous said...

BonJour,... scuze !... unde ai disparut ?... nu ai scris de... ani !!!

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